
one of my mom’s needs help…


i have a dear friend who also is my sister in Christ and my mother in law, Elizabeth Reese Rowe…you can find her that way on facebook, if she ever slows down enough to check her page. she has recently been diagnosed with cancer and just moved to charlotte, n.c. and is having some trouble finding disciples. that doesn’t sound quite right to me.

elizabeth became a Christian almost 6 years ago in chattanooga. since then she has been known for feeding most everyone, taking anyone in who needed a place to stay, and living as faithful a life as i’ve ever known a disciple to live. her husband…my wife’s dad, mac rowe…and she became disciples after studying the bible with my wife, lisa. she is a Character with a capital C…like i just wrote… and she is delightful. they found a spot on her lungs recently and that’s changed her life a bit. she moved to charlotte to be with her son during this trying time and to show him what true Christianity is all about.

i’m just putting this out there like a note in a bottle…seeing if it gets to anyone in charlotte. this is a person who, had you moved to chattanooga and needed something, she’d be the first person by your side and the last to leave. anybody? anybody?

Steve has been a minister for almost 5 decades; and for more than 40 years married to the wife of his youth and partner, Lisa. Steve has spoken in Madison Square Garden. He's swam the Hudson River to raise money for his favorite charity. He’s the writer, producer and director of an award winning short film. He’s an author, speaker, and father whose messages are hilarious, soulful and life changing. When he's not trying to sell, ride or make friends on a motorcycle, you can find him in Portland, Oregon where he is happily serving with the https://portlandchurch.org

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