I think that’s the correct order. So sorry for not being able to make things happen faster. So thankful for your love, support and patience. And best of all, Merry Christmas!
I have two things I’d like to be sure you see. First the offer for getting a free CD if you buy an DVD now:
Second, the note I posted on Facebook:
hey guys. to all of you who bought the “Upside Down 2016 DVD”… thanks! if you haven’t received it yet, Sherwin Mackintosh and I have been assured that they were all mailed out last week. if you’re seeing this post and haven’t yet joined https://www.facebook.com/groups/upsidedownmusical2016/ or haven’t yet ‘liked’ https://www.facebook.com/upsidedowntheatre/ please do so. i’m a pretty avid facebooker
but i can’t always keep up with all that’s going on so on our company and group pages you can usually find the latest updates on our stuff. please, i hope you’ll still feel free to contact me but know that there’s a larger group of us who are passionate about making our show available to you and the world.
i know it’s been months since we staged #upsideddownmusical in st. louis and we want to thank all of you who pre-ordered our DVD there. and since then we know so many more of you have bought and waited patiently for your DVD. we’re promised it won’t be long now, that they are in the mail and…
…i hope that you enjoy what we’ve been able to do.
nothing about making this DVD was easy; from problems that hit us in st. louis to sherwin’s health, we’ve been up against a lot and all along the way our tiny and totally volunteer staff… that means the video editor Brian Gaukel and the sound editor Winston Philip, as well as family Carrie Mackintosh Kelsey, Skylar Johnson, and friends… have been working non-stop with our limited resources to make this happen. we have so many people to be thankful for and that list includes all of you who have supported us with your prayers and your money.
it’s going to take years for us to repay the money we borrowed to make this project possible, but your support lifts our spirits and helps us keep moving. i’m confident that this production will do for future generations what the past productions have done in inspiring people to remember the Lord… for many to ‘find’ the Lord… and our hope is that for you and your family… and friends… our work will fit into your outreach to thousands of people who need to see the bible in a different light. God bless you all and merry Christmas! here’s to hoping we can make a difference in this hurting world; that when we say ‘turn it upside down’ we mean to help it be a better place!