
The Upside Down Ministry

steve lisa debbie sherwin

This is our dream…

For over thirty years we’ve wandered, much like the Israelites in the desert; and we’ve wondered “what would happen if we could expose the whole world to the Jesus Christ who inspired a ragged band of simple folk to turn their world upside down?”

What would happen if not hundreds…
…or thousands…
… or millions…
…but Billions of people could be inspired by the power of:
Turning the other cheek?
Going the extra mile?
Giving when others take? Loving your enemies? Blessing those who curse you?

All the things that Jesus really taught. All the things that so often fall by the wayside as we’re rushing through life.

We’re wandering and wondering no more.
We’ve decided.
And now we’re going for it.
We’re attempting to make our dream a reality, and we’ve established a ministry to see our vision accomplished.
The Upside Down Ministry.

This is our team….

We’ve seen what happens when united groups of people intent on spreading the gospel go to a place with one purpose in mind: to be a church!

We’re doing the same thing with our ministry.
We have a team with one purpose in mind:
to preach Christ to Billions!

When the Johnsons and Mackintoshs decided to ignite the Upside Down Ministry, three families stepped up and said, “Do all that’s in your hearts and we will be with you!”
The Arias’, the Gauntts, and the Hunters; they are our team, our partners and our friends.hunters

Alex and Jeff pic

kristen and robert (1)

Dreams start to become reality with teams.

Since then, cast, crew, supporters… over one hundred sisters and brothers stepped up and volunteered their time, their talent, and their hearts. The Portland church and the North River church, where the Johnsons and Mackintoshes serve respectively and thankfully, gave their approval and support; with North River adding a generous donation of seed money to the cause. Over 8000 people stoked the fire and supported us through ticket sales. But we are just getting started.

This is our scheme…

We’ve seen what happens when you set a goal to evangelize the whole world. In the beginning, maybe only one small group of disciples are trying to baptize one lost soul. If you go out and invite 100 people to come hear the word of Jesus, you might get 10 to actually show up to listen.
If you get 10 to listen, maybe only one will accept and follow the Lord.

We want to invite more people to hear the word of the Lord than we’ve ever invited before.

We are attempting to invite a Billion people to see Upside Down.

Maybe 100,000,000 will accept the invitation.
Maybe 1,000,000 will decide to follow Jesus.
Not just get to know about Jesus. Not just to come to believe that maybe he was who he claimed to be.
But maybe they’ll decide to really follow Him.
1,000,000 followers turning the other cheek.
1,000,000 new followers going the extra mile.
1,000,000 true disciples giving where others take.
1,000,000 who give until it hurts. and then more.
1,000,000 who will follow Jesus in life even it means to the death.

our dream
our team
our scheme

Join us…
Help us show “Upside Down” to 1,000,000,000 people and we believe we’ll help each other reach 1,000,000 souls who will turn the world upside down for Jesus. Turn the world on it’s head. forever. Because that’s what happens when people really remember the Lord!





Steve has been a minister for almost 5 decades; and for more than 40 years married to the wife of his youth and partner, Lisa. Steve has spoken in Madison Square Garden. He's swam the Hudson River to raise money for his favorite charity. He’s the writer, producer and director of an award winning short film. He’s an author, speaker, and father whose messages are hilarious, soulful and life changing. When he's not trying to sell, ride or make friends on a motorcycle, you can find him in Portland, Oregon where he is happily serving with the https://portlandchurch.org